Hello family,
The church board met on 11/26/2020 and voted to reopen the church on the Sabbath of 12/12/2020.
Steps we have taken to ensure a safe environment for everyone who wishes to worship with us:
- Please practice social distancing with all by leaving at least 6ft between families.
- All highly touched surfaces will be sanitized before and after the service.
- We will not have fellowship lunch (potluck) until further notice.
- Offerings will be collected at a single point and the collections plate will not be passed around. You can also utilize the online Adventist Giving website to submit your offerings.
- We will not distribute bulletins at this time.
- Wearing a mask is encouraged but not required.
- We will continue to provide online services for those that are not comfortable with attending the church service on site. Vulnerable members are encouraged to remain home to enjoy worship online.
- There will be hand sanitizing stations that will be located at the entrance and at the back of the sanctuary.
- If you are running a fever or not feeling well, please stay home and rest.
- There will be a temperature check at the entrance of the sanctuary.
You are welcome to donate hand sanitizers, disinfectant wipes and disinfectant spray to the church.